We've met and consulted with over 100 teenagers in local schools to ask what they would like to see in the youth area. Many of them came up with the idea of a graffiti style art work. We’ve reserved a wall in the youth area for this, and have asked Bryce Davies to work with a group of teenagers in Barry to design and paint the wall. We met Bryce today and showed him the youth area. He talked about the type of work he could produce and the space and materials he'll need to paint it. We'll now find some teenagers keen to develop ideas with Bryce and have a go with an aerosol can. Bryce is confident that he could paint the wall in situ, without damaging the carpet and surrounding walls, but we don't want to risk it! We'd like the kids to meet at the library to draw and discuss designs but we'll arrange for the painting to be done on panels elsewhere and be brought into the library only once fully dry.
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